About me
Francis Koopmans has her own Neurofeedback Office Brainbalance nearby Nijmegen in the east of The Netherlands.
Francis started her professional career as a nurse working in several different hospitals, however after suffering from hernia complications she was forced to change careers. She took a unique path in finding neurofeedback, studying the flute, and working as a professional flute teacher and learning and developing PsychoSocial Coaching. Ultimately it was her son, who developed ADD symptoms at the age of four. After trying many therapies for her son, excluding medication, she read an interview with Marty Wuttke about neurofeedback and decided that this could be the answer to their son’s problems. After neurotherapy training her son transformed in the happy child he was before and he exhibited ADD symptoms. She was inspired to train with Marty and help others using neurofeedback.
In April 2004, Koopmans trained with Marty Wuttke and later followed trainings by Bob Thatcher and Joel Lubar. She also trained at the Neurotherapie Center Hilversum in the Netherlands. She now sees clients with a variety of common problems and uses LORETA and Suface Z-score systems and well as the Neurofield system.
Koopmans runs Brainbalance in The Netherlands, and is an affiliate of the Wuttke Institute. She is helping people transform themselves into the best they can be.