Non-verbal Learning Disorder - NLD
NLD is the abbreviation of Non-verbal Learning Disorder. People with NLD show us an overlap of features of ADHD and of PDD-NOS. It is a neuro-psychological developmental disorder, or a disorder in the development of the right brain.
Abilities and competences of the right brain are:
- Visual spatial information processing
- Visual overview (at the puzzling, for example)
- Visual recognition of emotions
- Social skills
- Complicated locomotive skills and tact
- Insightful counting (a competence which starts in Group 6)
- New skills to be learned. That is why the automation of reading and counting can be hard for children with NLD
Abilities and competences of the left brain are:
- Auditive and verbal memory
- Verbal understanding
- Verbal expression
Children with NLD have a strong left brain. That is why they have strong verbal and auditive skills. They learn and communicate essentially by language and hearing. Once the have learned and automized the new assignments or skills, the left brain takes it over and in general there are no problems anymore.
Neurofeedback can stimulate the right brain and improve the communication between the left and right brain. It depends on the EEC what aspect we start with in the trainingsessions. Complaints as performance anxiety, attention problems and learning problems can also be tackled.
The child, the parents and the teachers will remark when the brains are getting more balanced. The feedback from the parents and teachers is generally that:
- The child makes more friends
- The child performs better at school
- The child is more cooperative, at home and at school
- The child gets more confidence
- The child is more open in social situations
- The child makes more eye-contact
- The child has more energy and makes more fun